Monday, February 4, 2013

Summer 2013

And we are back! So a lot has happened since my last (and very first) blog post. in no particular order: my daughter had Open heart surgery, my Mother in Law passed away, we got pregnant and more. So our travel plans were pretty much put on hold for a while. We actually just got back from a very mini trip to Chicago and Milwaukee (my first time in Wisconsin) but I'll blog about that trip another time (it was literally an in and out job for a nephew's wedding. The twins had a blast!)

So we now stand at 36weeks pregnant and are starting to think about our summer vacation! YAY!!!! G-d willing we will finally be able to take our vacation FINALLY! Gosh its been so long I'm so excited! So the plan right now is to go to San Diego and Los Angeles in the summer for 10-14days! I had planed this vacation awhile back but lost all the information that I'd found due to computer transfers etc. so I get to start over! Which to be honest is not so bad since the twins are much older then last time so I need to plan more for them to do! Plus I'll have a 4 month old with us! (guess we are traveling with a trio now)

So we for sure want to go to the zoo and wild life park (our kids love animals) we also might want to go to Sea World (again kids love animals) we want to also go on a whale watch (my son says: On a boat? Yes G. on a boat! he jumps up and down) then they over heard me mention to my Darling Husband (DH) that I think there is a new ride in Disney that is Pixar Car's themed. He says NO DISNEY! Don't worry we will do Disney again WHEN WE HAVE GRAND CHILDREN!!!! (did I mention he was not a fan of Disney when we went) But G. overheard the conversation "I want to ride Lightning McQueen and Tow Mater (we have no TV he has NEVER seen the movie but gets stickers in therapy and is totally in love with them. He can name all the cars, he is obsessed) So our daughter B. pipes up "There a Dora ride?" I told her I had no idea, and made a mental note to discuss sensitive trip details with DH when the kids are in bed! So we are going to look at possibly going to Disney for ONE day but we will see. B. would really get a kick out of the princess's (again no movies all courtesy of stickers from therapy). We need to decide where we want to stay because while it looks like a lot of our activities will be in San Diago the Kosher restaurant options and kosher food options (think ICE CREAM!!!!!!!) would mostly be in L.A.

We will be flying South West so I need to see what our flight options are (since I highly doubt we are getting a direct flight from Pittsburgh) DH has a free companion fare on SW so we only have to pay for 3 tickets to get our family of G-d willing 5 to California!

So I'm off to do some legwork and planing! Wish me luck and stay tuned!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Planing Stages

I must say the preliminary planing stage for me is the worst once we've picked at destination and booked air and hotel I have a much much easier time! The back and forth and back and forth should we go here or there no here no there just makes me batty!

Right now we are in that preliminary stage of planing our Feb. Vacation. My husband is GREAT at getting airline deals so he has enough miles saved up that we can pretty much go anywhere in the world BUT since the twins are only 2 we don't really want to take a trip to to far away so Japan and Australia will just have to wait till they are older! We want to go someplace warm to escape the cold Pittsburgh.

So far we have been researching Hawaii! Yes HAWAII!!!! I've wanted to go there since I was little and honestly I've always wondered if I'll ever make it to that beautiful island, will it be this next vacation? I don't know! So I started researching it, the flight is longer then we wanted because we have to go through California but we could break the trip up and stop in CA for a day or two or weekend, but then we loose days to more travel. I don't know about you but travel day in our family is a bust there is really not much that you can do by the time you arrive to your destination, settle in and unpack. Also the kids may be a bit young for Hawaii yet as beaches are really out for us due to Jewish Modesty Laws.
Additionally Hawaii seems expensive all the activities are really going to add up as is places to stay and even food seems to be more costly there. But that is one option we are looking into.

I was talking to a friend today who suggested San Antonio Texas as a nice, neat place to go. I love the idea that in San Antonio there are sight specific activities (ie the Alamo) so I've not started looking into that yet but will do today at the same time as taking care of my 2yearold twins, cleaning the house AND getting ready for my little sisters surprise party dinner! WOOHOO

Any destination suggestions I'd love them so I can add more work to my plate!

Even if I complain though I really do love vacations, even the planing fazes I'm good at them and its exciting!